11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16401 apoxyomenos 6,312 aemnopsxy 9 16,401
16402 unpulvinate 6,312 aeilnptuv 9 16,402
16403 harassingly 6,312 aghilnrsy 9 16,400
16404 strumectomy 6,312 cemorstuy 9 16,403
16405 hemilingual 6,311 aeghilmnu 9 16,405
16406 kingfishers 6,311 efghiknrs 9 16,406
16407 matchlessly 6,311 acehlmsty 9 16,407
16408 preconclude 6,311 cdelnopru 9 16,408
16409 labyrinthal 6,310 abhilnrty 9 16,409
16410 dynasticism 6,310 acdimnsty 9 16,411
16411 criniparous 6,310 acinoprsu 9 16,410
16412 condisciple 6,309 cdeilnops 9 16,413
16413 clingfishes 6,309 cefghilns 9 16,412
16414 gelotoscopy 6,309 ceglopsty 9 16,415
16415 liverwursts 6,309 eilrstuvw 9 16,414
16416 achromatium 6,308 achimortu 9 16,421
16417 plagiarizes 6,308 aegilprsz 9 16,417
16418 calochortus 6,308 achlorstu 9 16,423
16419 unbeknownst 6,308 beknostuw 9 16,416
16420 purgatorial 6,308 agiloprtu 9 16,418