11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16481 doomfulness 6,298 deflmnosu 9 16,481
16482 diversiform 6,298 defimorsv 9 16,480
16483 unthriftily 6,298 fhilnrtuy 9 16,476
16484 subquestion 6,298 beinoqstu 9 16,478
16485 procritique 6,298 ceiopqrtu 9 16,483
16486 besprizorni 6,297 beinoprsz 9 16,488
16487 semicompact 6,297 aceimopst 9 16,487
16488 compactions 6,297 acimnopst 9 16,490
16489 rapscallion 6,297 acilnoprs 9 16,489
16490 connivantly 6,297 acilnotvy 9 16,491
16491 isorhythmic 6,297 chimorsty 9 16,486
16492 exemplarism 6,296 aeilmprsx 9 16,493
16493 disembogued 6,296 bdegimosu 9 16,492
16494 applicators 6,296 aciloprst 9 16,499
16495 unaxiomatic 6,296 acimnotux 9 16,494
16496 kindredship 6,296 dehiknprs 9 16,496
16497 protocoling 6,296 cgilnoprt 9 16,497
16498 hemophagous 6,296 aeghmopsu 9 16,495
16499 angiomegaly 6,296 aegilmnoy 9 16,498
16500 unrecalling 6,295 acegilnru 9 16,500