11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16501 prohibiting 6,294 bghinoprt 9 16,501
16502 paludicolae 6,294 acdeilopu 9 16,504
16503 nonslippery 6,294 eilnoprsy 9 16,503
16504 resubjugate 6,294 abegjrstu 9 16,502
16505 exoccipital 6,293 aceiloptx 9 16,506
16506 turbinotomy 6,293 bimnortuy 9 16,507
16507 demonocracy 6,293 acdemnory 9 16,505
16508 nonliturgic 6,292 cgilnortu 9 16,511
16509 corrosively 6,292 ceilorsvy 9 16,509
16510 hypercapnia 6,292 acehinpry 9 16,513
16511 discriminal 6,292 acdilmnrs 9 16,510
16512 paleocosmic 6,292 aceilmops 9 16,512
16513 salpingitic 6,292 acgilnpst 9 16,508
16514 profeminism 6,291 efimnoprs 9 16,517
16515 bulletmaker 6,291 abeklmrtu 9 16,515
16516 diprismatic 6,291 acdimprst 9 16,514
16517 shrivelling 6,291 eghilnrsv 9 16,516
16518 protragical 6,291 acgiloprt 9 16,518
16519 motorcycles 6,290 celmorsty 9 16,526
16520 embryophyte 6,290 behmoprty 9 16,522