11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17121 statcoulomb 6,163 abclmostu 9 17,121
17122 commulation 6,163 acilmnotu 9 17,122
17123 alphatoluic 6,162 achiloptu 9 17,123
17124 remindingly 6,161 degilmnry 9 17,124
17125 plessigraph 6,160 aeghilprs 9 17,125
17126 unremarking 6,160 aegikmnru 9 17,129
17127 religiously 6,160 egilorsuy 9 17,126
17128 scamandrius 6,160 acdimnrsu 9 17,128
17129 ruberythric 6,160 bcehirtuy 9 17,127
17130 hilariously 6,159 ahilorsuy 9 17,132
17131 disjunction 6,159 cdijnostu 9 17,130
17132 symplegades 6,159 adeglmpsy 9 17,131
17133 pantophagic 6,158 acghinopt 9 17,136
17134 unhoundlike 6,158 dehiklnou 9 17,135
17135 karyochrome 6,158 acehkmory 9 17,134
17136 hexagrammos 6,158 aeghmorsx 9 17,133
17137 unpopulated 6,157 adelnoptu 9 17,139
17138 pantrywoman 6,157 amnoprtwy 9 17,138
17139 landlordism 6,157 adilmnors 9 17,141
17140 preofficial 6,157 acefilopr 9 17,143