11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17141 monstrously 6,157 lmnorstuy 9 17,137
17142 husbandable 6,157 abdehlnsu 9 17,140
17143 academizing 6,157 acdegimnz 9 17,142
17144 microbusses 6,156 bceimorsu 9 17,144
17145 osmotically 6,156 acilmosty 9 17,145
17146 axospermous 6,156 aemoprsux 9 17,146
17147 botanically 6,155 abcilnoty 9 17,147
17148 charcoaling 6,155 acghilnor 9 17,148
17149 fictionally 6,155 acfilnoty 9 17,149
17150 hauynophyre 6,155 aehnopruy 9 17,150
17151 mellivorous 6,155 eilmorsuv 9 17,151
17152 programatic 6,154 acgimoprt 9 17,152
17153 schizanthus 6,154 achinstuz 9 17,154
17154 salmoniform 6,154 afilmnors 9 17,153
17155 reformandum 6,153 adefmnoru 9 17,155
17156 outscouring 6,152 cginorstu 9 17,156
17157 dispeopling 6,152 degilnops 9 17,158
17158 verminproof 6,152 efimnoprv 9 17,157
17159 unnicknamed 6,151 acdeikmnu 9 17,162
17160 hemiramphus 6,151 aehimprsu 9 17,163