11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17221 unravelling 6,135 aegilnruv 9 17,221
17222 virginality 6,135 agilnrtvy 9 17,222
17223 brahmanical 6,135 abchilmnr 9 17,223
17224 karyomitoic 6,134 acikmorty 9 17,227
17225 barbigerous 6,134 abegiorsu 9 17,224
17226 unmollified 6,134 defilmnou 9 17,226
17227 subquadrate 6,134 abdeqrstu 9 17,225
17228 oligotrophy 6,133 ghiloprty 9 17,231
17229 crescograph 6,133 aceghoprs 9 17,229
17230 circumrenal 6,133 aceilmnru 9 17,228
17231 preconfound 6,133 cdefnopru 9 17,233
17232 obumbration 6,133 abimnortu 9 17,230
17233 semirurally 6,133 aeilmrsuy 9 17,232
17234 undergabble 6,132 abdeglnru 9 17,239
17235 suspicional 6,132 acilnopsu 9 17,238
17236 marshalling 6,132 aghilmnrs 9 17,240
17237 arachnology 6,132 acghlnory 9 17,234
17238 bowdlerized 6,132 bdeilorwz 9 17,235
17239 bruckleness 6,132 bceklnrsu 9 17,236
17240 hungerproof 6,132 efghnopru 9 17,237