11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17281 outdrinking 6,124 dgiknortu 9 17,280
17282 boswellized 6,124 bdeiloswz 9 17,281
17283 cinclidotus 6,123 cdilnostu 9 17,284
17284 nondisjunct 6,123 cdijnostu 9 17,285
17285 fishability 6,123 abfhilsty 9 17,283
17286 prochondral 6,122 acdhlnopr 9 17,286
17287 cardiograms 6,122 acdgimors 9 17,287
17288 harangueful 6,122 aefghlnru 9 17,288
17289 glassworker 6,121 aegklorsw 9 17,289
17290 acrocephaly 6,121 acehlopry 9 17,292
17291 unburstable 6,121 abelnrstu 9 17,291
17292 soporifical 6,121 acfiloprs 9 17,290
17293 psychedelic 6,120 cdehilpsy 9 17,295
17294 hemialbumin 6,120 abehilmnu 9 17,293
17295 eccrinology 6,120 cegilnory 9 17,294
17296 brachiopoda 6,119 abcdhiopr 9 17,297
17297 occupancies 6,119 aceinopsu 9 17,298
17298 reoxidizing 6,119 deginorxz 9 17,296
17299 prestimulus 6,118 eilmprstu 9 17,301
17300 camptosorus 6,118 acmoprstu 9 17,300