11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17541 polyphonist 6,065 hilnopsty 9 17,540
17542 psilophyton 6,065 hilnopsty 9 17,541
17543 misphrasing 6,065 aghimnprs 9 17,542
17544 dromophobia 6,065 abdhimopr 9 17,539
17545 unspatially 6,065 ailnpstuy 9 17,544
17546 outstudying 6,064 dginostuy 9 17,547
17547 cystenchyma 6,064 acehmnsty 9 17,546
17548 outpourings 6,063 ginoprstu 9 17,548
17549 anoxybiotic 6,063 abcinotxy 9 17,549
17550 disgustedly 6,063 degilstuy 9 17,551
17551 brucellosis 6,063 bceilorsu 9 17,550
17552 flippancies 6,062 acefilnps 9 17,553
17553 amphipleura 6,062 aehilmpru 9 17,554
17554 easygoingly 6,062 aegilnosy 9 17,552
17555 uncalcified 6,061 acdefilnu 9 17,559
17556 pinacocytal 6,061 acilnopty 9 17,557
17557 polarizable 6,061 abeiloprz 9 17,558
17558 blandfordia 6,061 abdfilnor 9 17,555
17559 commandable 6,061 abcdelmno 9 17,556
17560 pantophobic 6,060 abchinopt 9 17,562