11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17581 unliturgize 6,055 egilnrtuz 9 17,582
17582 axonolipous 6,055 ailnopsux 9 17,581
17583 fimbriating 6,055 abfgimnrt 9 17,583
17584 ambuscadoed 6,055 abcdemosu 9 17,580
17585 obfuscators 6,054 abcforstu 9 17,588
17586 undubitable 6,054 abdeilntu 9 17,586
17587 yajnopavita 6,054 aijnoptvy 9 17,585
17588 nonfungible 6,054 befgilnou 9 17,587
17589 avoirdupois 6,053 adioprsuv 9 17,590
17590 suprafoliar 6,053 afiloprsu 9 17,592
17591 overknowing 6,053 egiknorvw 9 17,589
17592 unexpressly 6,053 elnprsuxy 9 17,593
17593 bontequagga 6,053 abegnoqtu 9 17,591
17594 prattlingly 6,052 agilnprty 9 17,594
17595 falcinellus 6,051 acefilnsu 9 17,596
17596 unorthodoxy 6,051 dhnortuxy 9 17,595
17597 parameciums 6,050 aceimprsu 9 17,598
17598 toxophilous 6,050 hilopstux 9 17,600
17599 auxetically 6,050 aceiltuxy 9 17,599
17600 physoclisti 6,050 chilopsty 9 17,597