11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17701 uneclipsing 6,024 cegilnpsu 9 17,702
17702 cavillatory 6,024 acilortvy 9 17,701
17703 vacillatory 6,024 acilortvy 9 17,703
17704 carlylesque 6,023 acelqrsuy 9 17,705
17705 sulphurweed 6,023 dehlprsuw 9 17,707
17706 unmistaking 6,023 agikmnstu 9 17,704
17707 prefranking 6,023 aefgiknpr 9 17,709
17708 corporalism 6,023 acilmoprs 9 17,711
17709 paraplegics 6,023 acegilprs 9 17,712
17710 synarchical 6,023 achilnrsy 9 17,706
17711 protogynous 6,023 gnoprstuy 9 17,710
17712 pleophagous 6,023 aeghlopsu 9 17,708
17713 cojusticiar 6,022 acijorstu 9 17,714
17714 attackingly 6,022 acgiklnty 9 17,713
17715 demultiplex 6,021 deilmptux 9 17,715
17716 topographic 6,021 acghioprt 9 17,718
17717 unpurgeable 6,021 abeglnpru 9 17,717
17718 multiplexed 6,021 deilmptux 9 17,716
17719 cyanohydrin 6,020 acdhinory 9 17,722
17720 prechecking 6,020 ceghiknpr 9 17,723