11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17721 convolutely 6,020 celnotuvy 9 17,720
17722 currantworm 6,020 acmnortuw 9 17,721
17723 tiddleywink 6,020 deiklntwy 9 17,719
17724 subjectable 6,019 abcejlstu 9 17,724
17725 disbursable 6,019 abdeilrsu 9 17,726
17726 acetabulums 6,019 abcelmstu 9 17,725
17727 quadrennium 6,017 adeimnqru 9 17,729
17728 hemipyramid 6,017 adehimpry 9 17,731
17729 craniognomy 6,017 acgimnory 9 17,727
17730 psammophile 6,017 aehilmops 9 17,728
17731 organonymic 6,017 acgimnory 9 17,730
17732 cornucopias 6,016 acinoprsu 9 17,734
17733 uranoscopic 6,016 acinoprsu 9 17,733
17734 proverblike 6,016 beikloprv 9 17,732
17735 subbranches 6,016 abcehnrsu 9 17,736
17736 subgovernor 6,016 begnorsuv 9 17,737
17737 exemplarily 6,016 aeilmprxy 9 17,735
17738 hylozoistic 6,015 chilostyz 9 17,739
17739 biofeedback 6,015 abcdefiko 9 17,740
17740 unenviously 6,015 eilnosuvy 9 17,738