11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17801 bridgewards 6,002 abdegirsw 9 17,800
17802 puddinghead 6,001 adeghinpu 9 17,805
17803 unselfishly 6,001 efhilnsuy 9 17,809
17804 discifloral 6,001 acdfilors 9 17,802
17805 supervising 6,001 eginprsuv 9 17,808
17806 polyhistory 6,001 hiloprsty 9 17,803
17807 shadowishly 6,001 adhiloswy 9 17,806
17808 shrewstruck 6,001 cehkrstuw 9 17,807
17809 privatively 6,001 aeilprtvy 9 17,804
17810 disaccustom 6,000 acdimostu 9 17,811
17811 myocarditic 6,000 acdimorty 9 17,810
17812 tapinophoby 6,000 abhinopty 9 17,812
17813 labioplasty 5,999 abilopsty 9 17,815
17814 sandwiching 5,999 acdghinsw 9 17,813
17815 unpartaking 5,999 agiknprtu 9 17,814
17816 glassblower 5,997 abeglorsw 9 17,816
17817 drawability 5,997 abdilrtwy 9 17,818
17818 lycoperdoid 5,997 cdeilopry 9 17,817
17819 xeromorphic 5,996 cehimoprx 9 17,823
17820 improbatory 5,996 abimoprty 9 17,821