11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17861 masonically 5,985 acilmnosy 9 17,860
17862 procarnival 5,984 acilnoprv 9 17,862
17863 nonvariably 5,984 abilnorvy 9 17,863
17864 gastroscopy 5,983 acgoprsty 9 17,864
17865 dysrhythmia 5,982 adhimrsty 9 17,867
17866 fissidactyl 5,982 acdfilsty 9 17,865
17867 micromodule 5,982 cdeilmoru 9 17,866
17868 galactopyra 5,981 acgloprty 9 17,868
17869 hyporhachis 5,981 achioprsy 9 17,869
17870 quadrinodal 5,981 adilnoqru 9 17,874
17871 botrycymose 5,981 bcemorsty 9 17,870
17872 botryomyces 5,981 bcemorsty 9 17,871
17873 uncarousing 5,981 acginorsu 9 17,872
17874 undividable 5,981 abdeilnuv 9 17,873
17875 orbicularis 5,980 abcilorsu 9 17,876
17876 flocculated 5,980 acdeflotu 9 17,875
17877 cellulosing 5,980 cegilnosu 9 17,877
17878 dolphinfish 5,979 dfhilnops 9 17,878
17879 humorsomely 5,979 ehlmorsuy 9 17,880
17880 ovicellular 5,979 aceiloruv 9 17,879