11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17881 psychataxia 5,978 achipstxy 9 17,881
17882 unhonorably 5,978 abhlnoruy 9 17,882
17883 epiphragmal 5,977 aeghilmpr 9 17,888
17884 inductorium 5,977 cdimnortu 9 17,885
17885 incumbrance 5,977 abceimnru 9 17,884
17886 discoursing 5,977 cdginorsu 9 17,887
17887 singularism 5,977 agilmnrsu 9 17,886
17888 halomorphic 5,977 achilmopr 9 17,883
17889 humorlessly 5,976 ehlmorsuy 9 17,889
17890 apoplexious 5,976 aeilopsux 9 17,890
17891 churchanity 5,975 achinrtuy 9 17,891
17892 taurobolium 5,975 abilmortu 9 17,893
17893 socializing 5,975 acgilnosz 9 17,892
17894 scriptorium 5,974 cimoprstu 9 17,894
17895 complicator 5,974 acilmoprt 9 17,895
17896 calamistrum 5,974 acilmrstu 9 17,896
17897 microswitch 5,974 chimorstw 9 17,897
17898 overhelpful 5,973 efhlopruv 9 17,898
17899 splashdowns 5,972 adhlnopsw 9 17,899
17900 unpractical 5,972 acilnprtu 9 17,900