11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18001 synechology 5,947 ceghlnosy 9 18,001
18002 supertuchun 5,946 cehnprstu 9 18,002
18003 platyrrhiny 5,946 ahilnprty 9 18,005
18004 moxibustion 5,946 bimnostux 9 18,003
18005 fidgetingly 5,946 defgilnty 9 18,004
18006 spiraliform 5,945 afilmoprs 9 18,007
18007 arcticology 5,945 acgilorty 9 18,009
18008 symptomatic 5,945 acimopsty 9 18,006
18009 mystifiedly 5,945 defilmsty 9 18,010
18010 idioplasmic 5,945 acdilmops 9 18,008
18011 mutualising 5,945 agilmnstu 9 18,011
18012 basophilous 5,944 abhilopsu 9 18,012
18013 excruciable 5,943 abceilrux 9 18,015
18014 diffusional 5,943 adfilnosu 9 18,014
18015 bradypepsia 5,943 abdeiprsy 9 18,013
18016 baryglossia 5,942 abgilorsy 9 18,017
18017 foolhardily 5,942 adfhilory 9 18,021
18018 quarrelling 5,942 aegilnqru 9 18,019
18019 wronglessly 5,942 eglnorswy 9 18,018
18020 agamospermy 5,942 aegmoprsy 9 18,016