11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18061 unhaltingly 5,933 aghilntuy 9 18,059
18062 plantocracy 5,932 aclnoprty 9 18,062
18063 toxiphobiac 5,931 abchioptx 9 18,065
18064 leucoplakia 5,931 aceiklopu 9 18,064
18065 extollingly 5,931 egilnotxy 9 18,066
18066 prebromidic 5,931 bcdeimopr 9 18,063
18067 baldacchino 5,931 abcdhilno 9 18,067
18068 horismology 5,930 ghilmorsy 9 18,069
18069 acquophonia 5,930 achinopqu 9 18,068
18070 prosodially 5,930 adiloprsy 9 18,070
18071 bibliothque 5,929 behiloqtu 9 18,071
18072 conditivium 5,929 cdimnotuv 9 18,072
18073 zoografting 5,929 afginortz 9 18,073
18074 phyllostoma 5,928 ahlmopsty 9 18,075
18075 butcherbird 5,928 bcdehirtu 9 18,077
18076 manipulable 5,928 abeilmnpu 9 18,076
18077 unstrapping 5,928 aginprstu 9 18,074
18078 unvibrating 5,927 abginrtuv 9 18,079
18079 pseudodoxal 5,927 adelopsux 9 18,078
18080 nonbrutally 5,926 ablnortuy 9 18,081