11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18621 prosuffrage 5,747 aefgoprsu 9 18,622
18622 hydrorhizal 5,747 adhiloryz 9 18,624
18623 miscarrying 5,747 acgimnrsy 9 18,619
18624 squirarchal 5,747 achilqrsu 9 18,623
18625 physogastry 5,747 aghoprsty 9 18,621
18626 myoalbumose 5,746 abelmosuy 9 18,626
18627 overroughly 5,745 eghloruvy 9 18,628
18628 monodically 5,745 acdilmnoy 9 18,627
18629 unscorching 5,744 cghinorsu 9 18,630
18630 bamboozlers 5,744 abelmorsz 9 18,631
18631 orchidology 5,744 cdghilory 9 18,629
18632 unhomologic 5,743 cghilmnou 9 18,632
18633 ithyphallus 5,742 ahilpstuy 9 18,633
18634 semicubical 5,742 abceilmsu 9 18,634
18635 jackarooing 5,741 acgijknor 9 18,637
18636 saxonically 5,741 acilnosxy 9 18,635
18637 impendingly 5,741 degilmnpy 9 18,636
18638 enzymolysis 5,740 eilmnosyz 9 18,638
18639 cambricleaf 5,739 abcefilmr 9 18,641
18640 wingmanship 5,739 aghimnpsw 9 18,642