11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18661 climatology 5,731 acgilmoty 9 18,662
18662 probabilize 5,731 abeiloprz 9 18,661
18663 carcinology 5,730 acgilnory 9 18,663
18664 upperstocks 5,730 cekoprstu 9 18,664
18665 myxophyceae 5,729 acehmopxy 9 18,668
18666 subbrachian 5,729 abchinrsu 9 18,666
18667 husbandship 5,729 abdhinpsu 9 18,665
18668 mischarging 5,729 acghimnrs 9 18,667
18669 pyrophanous 5,728 ahnoprsuy 9 18,669
18670 quarterback 5,728 abcekqrtu 9 18,670
18671 subofficers 5,727 bcefiorsu 9 18,672
18672 buphthalmia 5,727 abhilmptu 9 18,671
18673 sulphanilic 5,726 achilnpsu 9 18,673
18674 corpsbruder 5,726 bcdeoprsu 9 18,674
18675 ballyhooing 5,725 abghilnoy 9 18,678
18676 deckswabber 5,725 abcdekrsw 9 18,675
18677 lactalbumin 5,725 abcilmntu 9 18,680
18678 supplicants 5,725 acilnpstu 9 18,677
18679 squashberry 5,725 abehqrsuy 9 18,676
18680 hypnotizing 5,725 ghinoptyz 9 18,679