11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19001 unpoliticly 5,583 cilnoptuy 9 18,999
19002 pyrogravure 5,583 aegopruvy 9 19,001
19003 supercilium 5,582 ceilmprsu 9 19,003
19004 formularism 5,581 afilmorsu 9 19,004
19005 epiphyllous 5,580 ehilopsuy 9 19,007
19006 hyperphagic 5,580 aceghipry 9 19,005
19007 scoptically 5,580 acilopsty 9 19,006
19008 wisdomproof 5,579 dfimoprsw 9 19,008
19009 platypodous 5,579 adlopstuy 9 19,009
19010 lymphatical 5,578 achilmpty 9 19,010
19011 nonsymbolic 5,575 bcilmnosy 9 19,011
19012 xanthophyll 5,575 ahlnoptxy 9 19,012
19013 amphicyrtic 5,574 achimprty 9 19,013
19014 sigmoidally 5,573 adgilmosy 9 19,015
19015 hallmarking 5,573 aghiklmnr 9 19,016
19016 downpouring 5,573 dginopruw 9 19,014
19017 cryptorchid 5,572 cdhioprty 9 19,018
19018 crouperbush 5,572 bcehoprsu 9 19,019
19019 sulphouinic 5,572 chilnopsu 9 19,017
19020 flauntingly 5,571 afgilntuy 9 19,022