11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19061 fistulizing 5,552 fgilnstuz 9 19,062
19062 appreciably 5,552 abceilpry 9 19,061
19063 suburbanize 5,551 abeinrsuz 9 19,063
19064 suggestibly 5,551 begilstuy 9 19,064
19065 mccarthyism 5,550 achimrsty 9 19,065
19066 cyclopaedic 5,549 acdeilopy 9 19,066
19067 victualling 5,548 acgilntuv 9 19,067
19068 fusillading 5,546 adfgilnsu 9 19,069
19069 miaplacidus 5,546 acdilmpsu 9 19,068
19070 blenchingly 5,545 bceghilny 9 19,071
19071 xylotomical 5,545 acilmotxy 9 19,072
19072 prosopalgic 5,545 acgiloprs 9 19,070
19073 morphologic 5,544 cghilmopr 9 19,074
19074 slaunchways 5,544 achlnsuwy 9 19,073
19075 chromoplasm 5,543 achlmoprs 9 19,076
19076 whipcracker 5,543 acehikprw 9 19,075
19077 podsolizing 5,543 dgilnopsz 9 19,077
19078 callityping 5,542 acgilnpty 9 19,079
19079 loxodograph 5,542 adghloprx 9 19,078
19080 quadrichord 5,541 acdhioqru 9 19,080