11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19561 bibliomancy 5,176 abcilmnoy 9 19,561
19562 duckhunting 5,174 cdghikntu 9 19,562
19563 unlogically 5,173 acgilnouy 9 19,563
19564 outquibling 5,172 bgilnoqtu 9 19,564
19565 xiphopagous 5,171 aghiopsux 9 19,565
19566 fussbudgety 5,169 bdefgstuy 9 19,566
19567 subcompacts 5,168 abcmopstu 9 19,569
19568 uncuriously 5,168 cilnorsuy 9 19,568
19569 carborundum 5,168 abcdmnoru 9 19,567
19570 ununiformly 5,167 filmnoruy 9 19,571
19571 unfrightful 5,167 fghilnrtu 9 19,570
19572 unsumptuary 5,165 amnprstuy 9 19,572
19573 taffymaking 5,164 afgikmnty 9 19,573
19574 physocarpus 5,164 achoprsuy 9 19,574
19575 polycladous 5,156 acdlopsuy 9 19,576
19576 pyrographic 5,156 acghiopry 9 19,575
19577 blanchingly 5,155 abcghilny 9 19,577
19578 untruckling 5,150 cgiklnrtu 9 19,578
19579 chalazogamy 5,147 acghlmoyz 9 19,579
19580 incomplying 5,146 cgilmnopy 9 19,580