11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19621 uncomically 5,104 acilmnouy 9 19,620
19622 fructifying 5,102 cfginrtuy 9 19,622
19623 undoubtably 5,100 abdlnotuy 9 19,623
19624 coploughing 5,099 cghilnopu 9 19,624
19625 phragmidium 5,095 adghimpru 9 19,625
19626 cypripedium 5,093 cdeimpruy 9 19,626
19627 carburizing 5,091 abcginruz 9 19,627
19628 blackboards 5,090 abcdklors 9 19,628
19629 cloakmaking 5,089 acgiklmno 9 19,629
19630 hybridizing 5,084 bdghinryz 9 19,630
19631 polygynious 5,083 gilnopsuy 9 19,631
19632 polypragmon 5,082 aglmnopry 9 19,632
19633 culpability 5,081 abcilptuy 9 19,633
19634 pamphysical 5,080 achilmpsy 9 19,635
19635 unmagically 5,080 acgilmnuy 9 19,634
19636 cummerbunds 5,077 bcdemnrsu 9 19,636
19637 polyphonium 5,076 hilmnopuy 9 19,637
19638 suburbandom 5,072 abdmnorsu 9 19,638
19639 clamjamfery 5,070 acefjlmry 9 19,641
19640 fusicladium 5,070 acdfilmsu 9 19,639