12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20001 globulicidal 5,579 abcdgilou 9 20,002
20002 gypsophilous 5,579 ghilopsuy 9 20,001
20003 hypophysical 5,578 achilopsy 9 20,003
20004 backstabbing 5,578 abcgiknst 9 20,004
20005 prologuizing 5,576 gilnopruz 9 20,005
20006 loquaciously 5,572 aciloqsuy 9 20,006
20007 phyllocystic 5,571 chilopsty 9 20,007
20008 fuliginously 5,569 fgilnosuy 9 20,008
20009 cockneyfying 5,557 cefgiknoy 9 20,009
20010 unprofoundly 5,557 dflnopruy 9 20,010
20011 polypragmaty 5,552 aglmoprty 9 20,011
20012 dasyphyllous 5,548 adhlopsuy 9 20,012
20013 cryptography 5,546 acghoprty 9 20,013
20014 voluminously 5,545 ilmnosuvy 9 20,014
20015 sprinklingly 5,543 giklnprsy 9 20,015
20016 phyllocyanic 5,540 achilnopy 9 20,016
20017 pyophylactic 5,539 achilopty 9 20,017
20018 fungilliform 5,535 fgilmnoru 9 20,018
20019 pycnomorphic 5,534 chimnopry 9 20,019
20020 crystallurgy 5,534 acglrstuy 9 20,020