12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19961 unuxoriously 5,682 ilnorsuxy 9 19,961
19962 subacidulous 5,681 abcdilosu 9 19,962
19963 schmalkaldic 5,675 acdhiklms 9 19,963
19964 cockfighting 5,674 cfghiknot 9 19,966
19965 psychorrhagy 5,674 acghoprsy 9 19,964
19966 chrysography 5,674 acghoprsy 9 19,965
19967 phyllopteryx 5,673 ehloprtxy 9 19,967
19968 brachydactyl 5,671 abcdhlrty 9 19,968
19969 puzzlingness 5,664 egilnpsuz 9 19,969
19970 polyembryony 5,658 belmnopry 9 19,970
19971 fascicularly 5,652 acfilrsuy 9 19,971
19972 psychologics 5,651 cghilopsy 9 19,972
19973 uncolourably 5,648 abclnoruy 9 19,974
19974 polymorphous 5,648 hlmoprsuy 9 19,973
19975 lyophilizing 5,647 ghilnopyz 9 19,975
19976 lymphocytoma 5,645 achlmopty 9 19,976
19977 psychrograph 5,645 acghoprsy 9 19,978
19978 pharyngology 5,645 aghlnopry 9 19,977
19979 mockingstock 5,644 cgikmnost 9 19,979
19980 oxyrhynchous 5,643 chnorsuxy 9 19,980