12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20121 hydrophyllum 4,935 dhlmopruy 9 20,121
20122 skullduggery 4,922 degklrsuy 9 20,122
20123 qualifyingly 4,919 afgilnquy 9 20,123
20124 polypragmacy 4,913 acglmopry 9 20,124
20125 myriophyllum 4,903 hilmopruy 9 20,125
20126 bullyragging 4,893 abgilnruy 9 20,126
20127 caulophyllum 4,867 achlmopuy 9 20,127
20128 hypopygidium 4,792 dghimopuy 9 20,128
20129 myrsiphyllum 4,763 hilmprsuy 9 20,129
20130 bullwhipping 4,758 bghilnpuw 9 20,130
20131 blackjacking 4,490 abcgijkln 9 20,131
20132 piggybacking 4,460 abcgiknpy 9 20,132
20133 heteronereis 10,336 ehinorst 8 20,133
20134 coelenterate 10,174 acelnort 8 20,134
20135 heteronereid 10,140 dehinort 8 20,135
20136 steelhearted 10,092 adehlrst 8 20,136
20137 heterogenean 10,085 aeghnort 8 20,137
20138 etherealness 10,073 aehlnrst 8 20,138
20139 reorientated 10,068 adeinort 8 20,139
20140 defenestrate 10,027 adefnrst 8 20,140