12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20141 deteriorates 10,001 adeiorst 8 20,141
20142 endosternite 9,977 deinorst 8 20,142
20143 depotentiate 9,956 adeinopt 8 20,143
20144 semiteetotal 9,934 aeilmost 8 20,144
20145 literateness 9,920 aeilnrst 8 20,145
20146 sweethearted 9,903 adehrstw 8 20,146
20147 heldentenore 9,900 dehlnort 8 20,147
20148 interrelates 9,894 aeilnrst 8 20,148
20149 eternisation 9,886 aeinorst 8 20,149
20150 heterogamete 9,866 aeghmort 8 20,150
20151 interrogatee 9,839 aeginort 8 20,151
20152 detestations 9,828 adeinost 8 20,152
20153 aerosiderite 9,822 adeiorst 8 20,153
20154 stationeries 9,819 aeinorst 8 20,154
20155 heatheriness 9,796 aehinrst 8 20,155
20156 reiterations 9,793 aeinorst 8 20,156
20157 coelenterata 9,784 acelnort 8 20,157
20158 telaesthetic 9,768 acehilst 8 20,158
20159 mainstreeter 9,757 aeimnrst 8 20,159
20160 exenteration 9,746 aeinortx 8 20,160