12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16161 unsubpoenaed 7,341 abdenopsu 9 16,164
16162 acutilinguae 7,341 acegilntu 9 16,162
16163 unriddleable 7,341 abdeilnru 9 16,161
16164 yazdegerdian 7,341 adeginryz 9 16,163
16165 undiscounted 7,340 cdeinostu 9 16,165
16166 camelopardel 7,340 acdelmopr 9 16,169
16167 modification 7,340 acdfimnot 9 16,166
16168 domification 7,340 acdfimnot 9 16,168
16169 opprobriated 7,340 abdeioprt 9 16,167
16170 dissocialize 7,339 acdeilosz 9 16,175
16171 princesslike 7,339 ceiklnprs 9 16,173
16172 chlorimetric 7,339 cehilmort 9 16,170
16173 disfurniture 7,339 definrstu 9 16,174
16174 potamologist 7,339 agilmopst 9 16,172
16175 forerunnings 7,339 efginorsu 9 16,176
16176 debituminize 7,339 bdeimntuz 9 16,171
16177 telergically 7,338 acegilrty 9 16,179
16178 labyrinthian 7,338 abhilnrty 9 16,182
16179 desoxyribose 7,338 bdeiorsxy 9 16,177
16180 xeroprinting 7,338 eginoprtx 9 16,181