12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16181 unfeudalised 7,338 adefilnsu 9 16,180
16182 infranuclear 7,338 acefilnru 9 16,178
16183 unmeasurable 7,337 abelmnrsu 9 16,186
16184 unmutilative 7,337 aeilmntuv 9 16,187
16185 nondirigible 7,337 bdegilnor 9 16,184
16186 noncurrently 7,337 celnortuy 9 16,183
16187 ungranulated 7,337 adeglnrtu 9 16,185
16188 semisarcodic 7,337 acdeimors 9 16,189
16189 remultiplied 7,337 deilmprtu 9 16,188
16190 pericolpitis 7,336 ceiloprst 9 16,190
16191 squamipennes 7,335 aeimnpqsu 9 16,194
16192 outrageproof 7,335 aefgoprtu 9 16,191
16193 hypogonation 7,335 aghinopty 9 16,192
16194 incogitantly 7,335 acgilnoty 9 16,193
16195 semipervious 7,334 eimoprsuv 9 16,201
16196 overlaboured 7,334 abdeloruv 9 16,197
16197 unsputtering 7,334 eginprstu 9 16,196
16198 antifogmatic 7,334 acfgimnot 9 16,198
16199 tuberculoses 7,334 bcelorstu 9 16,195
16200 antimythical 7,334 achilmnty 9 16,199