12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16261 unejaculated 7,320 acdejlntu 9 16,260
16262 unrationally 7,320 ailnortuy 9 16,261
16263 monotrochous 7,319 chmnorstu 9 16,268
16264 unliquescent 7,319 ceilnqstu 9 16,265
16265 indissipable 7,319 abdeilnps 9 16,267
16266 unchangeable 7,319 abceghlnu 9 16,264
16267 anemological 7,319 acegilmno 9 16,263
16268 piscatorious 7,319 acioprstu 9 16,266
16269 cultirostral 7,318 acilorstu 9 16,269
16270 tumultuaries 7,318 aeilmrstu 9 16,270
16271 consignified 7,317 cdefginos 9 16,271
16272 nonconjugate 7,317 acegjnotu 9 16,274
16273 reconclusion 7,317 ceilnorsu 9 16,272
16274 semipacifist 7,317 acefimpst 9 16,273
16275 predissolved 7,316 deiloprsv 9 16,275
16276 holotrichous 7,316 chilorstu 9 16,277
16277 scarecrowish 7,316 acehiorsw 9 16,276
16278 paleontology 7,315 aeglnopty 9 16,284
16279 coincidently 7,315 cdeilnoty 9 16,283
16280 gerontocracy 7,315 acegnorty 9 16,278