12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16241 chaplaincies 7,325 acehilnps 9 16,240
16242 embarrassing 7,325 abegimnrs 9 16,242
16243 misinformant 7,324 afimnorst 9 16,244
16244 pronunciator 7,324 acinoprtu 9 16,245
16245 geadephagous 7,324 adeghopsu 9 16,243
16246 monodramatic 7,323 acdimnort 9 16,249
16247 refractivity 7,323 acefirtvy 9 16,247
16248 semicriminal 7,323 aceilmnrs 9 16,248
16249 insomnolency 7,323 ceilmnosy 9 16,252
16250 unperversely 7,323 elnprsuvy 9 16,250
16251 dishevelling 7,323 deghilnsv 9 16,251
16252 recommending 7,323 cdegimnor 9 16,246
16253 unsalutatory 7,322 alnorstuy 9 16,254
16254 contributors 7,322 bcinorstu 9 16,255
16255 horsewhipped 7,322 dehioprsw 9 16,253
16256 isotonically 7,321 acilnosty 9 16,257
16257 bactericidal 7,321 abcdeilrt 9 16,256
16258 ultraprudent 7,321 adelnprtu 9 16,258
16259 apostolicity 7,320 acilopsty 9 16,262
16260 successional 7,320 aceilnosu 9 16,259