12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16541 churlishness 7,255 cehilnrsu 9 16,545
16542 chicomecoatl 7,255 acehilmot 9 16,544
16543 monochromist 7,255 chimnorst 9 16,543
16544 fivefoldness 7,255 defilnosv 9 16,541
16545 hypoisotonic 7,255 chinopsty 9 16,542
16546 preconceding 7,254 cdeginopr 9 16,547
16547 upholsterous 7,254 ehloprstu 9 16,546
16548 unrescissory 7,254 ceinorsuy 9 16,548
16549 struthiiform 7,253 fhimorstu 9 16,549
16550 underofficer 7,253 cdefinoru 9 16,551
16551 henchmanship 7,253 acehimnps 9 16,553
16552 unimboldened 7,253 bdeilmnou 9 16,552
16553 aortographic 7,253 acghioprt 9 16,554
16554 undejectedly 7,253 cdejlntuy 9 16,550
16555 ineducabilia 7,252 abcdeilnu 9 16,556
16556 chemigrapher 7,252 aceghimpr 9 16,555
16557 vigorousness 7,252 eginorsuv 9 16,557
16558 undersurface 7,252 acdefnrsu 9 16,558
16559 dissociality 7,251 acdilosty 9 16,561
16560 wretchlessly 7,251 cehlrstwy 9 16,560