12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16601 multisensual 7,239 aeilmnstu 9 16,605
16602 stromatology 7,239 aglmorsty 9 16,602
16603 approbations 7,239 abinoprst 9 16,601
16604 unfadingness 7,239 adefginsu 9 16,603
16605 myxedematoid 7,239 adeimotxy 9 16,604
16606 adpromission 7,238 adimnoprs 9 16,607
16607 albification 7,238 abcfilnot 9 16,608
16608 proadmission 7,238 adimnoprs 9 16,610
16609 missemblance 7,238 abceilmns 9 16,606
16610 revivalistic 7,238 aceilrstv 9 16,611
16611 seminebulous 7,238 beilmnosu 9 16,613
16612 workmistress 7,238 eikmorstw 9 16,614
16613 roundmouthed 7,238 dehmnortu 9 16,612
16614 perturbatory 7,238 abeoprtuy 9 16,609
16615 holometaboly 7,237 abehlmoty 9 16,615
16616 synclinorian 7,237 acilnorsy 9 16,616
16617 noncalcified 7,236 acdefilno 9 16,617
16618 rhynchonella 7,236 acehlnory 9 16,618
16619 predismissal 7,235 adeilmprs 9 16,619
16620 chytridiosis 7,235 cdhiorsty 9 16,620