12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16621 ornithomimus 7,235 himnorstu 9 16,621
16622 peltifolious 7,234 efilopstu 9 16,623
16623 planispheral 7,234 aehilnprs 9 16,625
16624 edaphosaurus 7,234 adehoprsu 9 16,628
16625 viscountcies 7,234 ceinostuv 9 16,627
16626 slavocracies 7,234 aceilorsv 9 16,626
16627 overrigidity 7,234 degiortvy 9 16,622
16628 peruginesque 7,234 eginpqrsu 9 16,624
16629 nontractably 7,233 abclnorty 9 16,631
16630 accomplement 7,233 acelmnopt 9 16,632
16631 clavodeltoid 7,233 acdeilotv 9 16,633
16632 synthesizing 7,233 eghinstyz 9 16,629
16633 unmasquerade 7,233 ademnqrsu 9 16,630
16634 stratography 7,232 aghoprsty 9 16,634
16635 trichophyton 7,232 chinoprty 9 16,635
16636 discipliners 7,231 cdeilnprs 9 16,638
16637 unpleasantly 7,231 aelnpstuy 9 16,637
16638 homosystemic 7,231 cehimosty 9 16,639
16639 trachenchyma 7,231 acehmnrty 9 16,636
16640 uncensurable 7,230 abcelnrsu 9 16,640