12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16761 antimonopoly 7,199 ailmnopty 9 16,762
16762 noneclipsing 7,199 cegilnops 9 16,760
16763 inexpectancy 7,199 aceinptxy 9 16,761
16764 refurnishing 7,199 efghinrsu 9 16,764
16765 illusionable 7,198 abeilnosu 9 16,767
16766 scheuchzeria 7,198 acehirsuz 9 16,765
16767 villegiatura 7,198 aegilrtuv 9 16,766
16768 monohydrogen 7,197 deghmnory 9 16,769
16769 untortiously 7,197 ilnorstuy 9 16,770
16770 alkalimetric 7,197 aceiklmrt 9 16,771
16771 innoculating 7,197 acgilnotu 9 16,768
16772 archimperial 7,196 acehilmpr 9 16,772
16773 nonflowering 7,196 efgilnorw 9 16,779
16774 gallocyanine 7,196 acegilnoy 9 16,776
16775 disinflating 7,196 adfgilnst 9 16,774
16776 faussebrayed 7,196 abdefrsuy 9 16,775
16777 commandments 7,196 acdemnost 9 16,773
16778 swampishness 7,196 aehimnpsw 9 16,778
16779 pathoplastic 7,196 achilopst 9 16,777
16780 stratigraphy 7,195 aghiprsty 9 16,781