12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16821 kosteletzkya 7,186 aeklostyz 9 16,821
16822 noncompliant 7,186 acilmnopt 9 16,822
16823 supercharger 7,186 aceghprsu 9 16,823
16824 domatophobia 7,185 abdhimopt 9 16,825
16825 pseudomerism 7,185 deimoprsu 9 16,824
16826 anisocarpous 7,185 acinoprsu 9 16,826
16827 leviticalism 7,184 aceilmstv 9 16,830
16828 slipperyroot 7,184 eiloprsty 9 16,828
16829 unchastising 7,184 acghinstu 9 16,829
16830 dendrologous 7,184 deglnorsu 9 16,827
16831 malinfluence 7,183 acefilmnu 9 16,831
16832 heparinizing 7,183 aeghinprz 9 16,832
16833 trifluouride 7,182 defilortu 9 16,838
16834 deflocculate 7,182 acdeflotu 9 16,834
16835 saturability 7,182 abilrstuy 9 16,836
16836 rhynchocoela 7,182 acehlnory 9 16,835
16837 ghostwriting 7,182 ghinorstw 9 16,833
16838 typification 7,182 acfinopty 9 16,837
16839 blanketmaker 7,181 abeklmnrt 9 16,839
16840 nonpolemical 7,181 aceilmnop 9 16,840