12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17441 reimbursable 7,024 abeilmrsu 9 17,441
17442 ungregarious 7,022 aeginorsu 9 17,442
17443 eucalyptuses 7,020 acelpstuy 9 17,445
17444 proapostolic 7,020 aciloprst 9 17,443
17445 notorhynchus 7,020 chnorstuy 9 17,444
17446 urochromogen 7,020 ceghmnoru 9 17,446
17447 blastophoral 7,019 abhloprst 9 17,448
17448 chakravartin 7,019 achiknrtv 9 17,449
17449 peripneumony 7,019 eimnopruy 9 17,447
17450 sensualizing 7,018 aegilnsuz 9 17,453
17451 symplocaceae 7,018 acelmopsy 9 17,451
17452 ascomycetous 7,018 acemostuy 9 17,450
17453 harquebusade 7,018 abdehqrsu 9 17,454
17454 unhyphenable 7,018 abehlnpuy 9 17,452
17455 eurytopicity 7,017 ceioprtuy 9 17,455
17456 undispersing 7,017 deginprsu 9 17,458
17457 incompliance 7,017 aceilmnop 9 17,456
17458 paralogician 7,017 acgilnopr 9 17,457
17459 homologumena 7,016 aeghlmnou 9 17,461
17460 unelliptical 7,016 aceilnptu 9 17,459