12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17501 protatically 7,005 aciloprty 9 17,500
17502 bridechamber 7,005 abcdehimr 9 17,502
17503 spectaculars 7,004 acelprstu 9 17,503
17504 conchologist 7,003 cghilnost 9 17,505
17505 johnsonianly 7,003 ahijlnosy 9 17,506
17506 timbromaniac 7,003 abcimnort 9 17,504
17507 prepartaking 7,002 aegiknprt 9 17,507
17508 circumaviate 7,002 aceimrtuv 9 17,508
17509 scraggliness 7,001 acegilnrs 9 17,511
17510 sacrospinous 7,001 acinoprsu 9 17,510
17511 undeadlocked 7,001 acdeklnou 9 17,509
17512 dispauperize 6,999 adeiprsuz 9 17,512
17513 unsubstanced 6,998 abcdenstu 9 17,514
17514 ectrodactyly 6,998 acdelorty 9 17,513
17515 undeductible 6,998 bcdeilntu 9 17,515
17516 lecanoscopic 6,997 aceilnops 9 17,518
17517 punctualness 6,997 acelnpstu 9 17,519
17518 butyrousness 6,997 benorstuy 9 17,516
17519 czechization 6,997 acehinotz 9 17,517
17520 unarrogantly 6,996 aglnortuy 9 17,521