12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17781 nonhabitably 6,922 abhilnoty 9 17,781
17782 cradlefellow 6,922 acdeflorw 9 17,780
17783 proscriptive 6,920 ceioprstv 9 17,784
17784 plasticising 6,920 acgilnpst 9 17,783
17785 thyroglossal 6,918 aghlorsty 9 17,786
17786 sphragistics 6,918 acghiprst 9 17,785
17787 unactability 6,918 abcilntuy 9 17,787
17788 subrigidness 6,917 bdeginrsu 9 17,788
17789 unsubvertive 6,917 beinrstuv 9 17,790
17790 superscribed 6,917 bcdeiprsu 9 17,789
17791 hypopepsinia 6,916 aehinopsy 9 17,794
17792 precranially 6,916 aceilnpry 9 17,791
17793 yellowhammer 6,916 aehlmorwy 9 17,795
17794 epizootology 6,916 egiloptyz 9 17,793
17795 commensalism 6,916 aceilmnos 9 17,792
17796 microgrooves 6,915 cegimorsv 9 17,796
17797 psychostatic 6,914 achiopsty 9 17,799
17798 nonviscidity 6,914 cdinostvy 9 17,797
17799 podophryidae 6,914 adehiopry 9 17,798
17800 unperceiving 6,913 ceginpruv 9 17,801