12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17741 subphosphate 6,933 abehopstu 9 17,744
17742 pontificious 6,933 cfinopstu 9 17,740
17743 thaumatology 6,933 aghlmotuy 9 17,745
17744 strabismical 6,933 abcilmrst 9 17,742
17745 subimpressed 6,933 bdeimprsu 9 17,743
17746 gynecomaniac 6,932 acegimnoy 9 17,749
17747 slantingways 6,932 agilnstwy 9 17,746
17748 preshrinking 6,932 eghiknprs 9 17,748
17749 subcontracts 6,932 abcnorstu 9 17,747
17750 antimicrobic 6,932 abcimnort 9 17,750
17751 cephalopathy 6,932 acehlopty 9 17,751
17752 aggressively 6,931 aegilrsvy 9 17,752
17753 unliquidated 6,930 adeilnqtu 9 17,756
17754 overmobilize 6,930 beilmorvz 9 17,754
17755 nonsimilarly 6,930 ailmnorsy 9 17,753
17756 sustainingly 6,930 agilnstuy 9 17,755
17757 whoremonging 6,929 eghimnorw 9 17,761
17758 practicalize 6,929 aceilprtz 9 17,759
17759 unimmaculate 6,929 aceilmntu 9 17,758
17760 aggrandizers 6,929 adeginrsz 9 17,760