12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18041 unfoundering 6,829 defginoru 9 18,043
18042 rhacomitrium 6,829 achimortu 9 18,042
18043 amphistomous 6,829 ahimopstu 9 18,040
18044 unpercussive 6,828 ceinprsuv 9 18,045
18045 subautomatic 6,828 abcimostu 9 18,044
18046 unsummarised 6,828 adeimnrsu 9 18,048
18047 choregraphic 6,828 aceghiopr 9 18,046
18048 overnormally 6,828 aelmnorvy 9 18,047
18049 hypotrochoid 6,827 cdhioprty 9 18,049
18050 nonocclusive 6,826 ceilnosuv 9 18,050
18051 unconvoluted 6,826 cdelnotuv 9 18,051
18052 scorpionfish 6,826 cfhinoprs 9 18,052
18053 exprobratory 6,825 abeoprtxy 9 18,054
18054 cogitability 6,825 abcgiloty 9 18,056
18055 nonradically 6,825 acdilnory 9 18,053
18056 blimpishness 6,825 behilmnps 9 18,055
18057 consumptions 6,825 cimnopstu 9 18,057
18058 trichogramma 6,825 acghimort 9 18,058
18059 pseudopodial 6,823 adeilopsu 9 18,059
18060 anapophysial 6,823 ahilnopsy 9 18,061