12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18081 boondogglers 6,816 bdeglnors 9 18,084
18082 solifluction 6,816 cfilnostu 9 18,081
18083 unincumbered 6,816 bcdeimnru 9 18,082
18084 predemocracy 6,816 acdemopry 9 18,083
18085 criticizable 6,815 abceilrtz 9 18,087
18086 preinaugural 6,815 aegilnpru 9 18,089
18087 blackberries 6,815 abceiklrs 9 18,086
18088 pyrotheology 6,815 eghloprty 9 18,088
18089 apocalyptist 6,815 acilopsty 9 18,085
18090 carcinolysin 6,813 acilnorsy 9 18,092
18091 overscribble 6,813 bceilorsv 9 18,091
18092 hypodiapason 6,813 adhinopsy 9 18,093
18093 uncourageous 6,813 acegnorsu 9 18,090
18094 prenumbering 6,812 begimnpru 9 18,096
18095 adiamorphism 6,812 adhimoprs 9 18,098
18096 jaculatorial 6,812 acijlortu 9 18,099
18097 socratically 6,812 acilorsty 9 18,095
18098 holosymmetry 6,812 ehlmorsty 9 18,094
18099 militarizing 6,812 agilmnrtz 9 18,100
18100 acrostically 6,812 acilorsty 9 18,097