12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18481 tubulization 6,687 abilnotuz 9 18,485
18482 receptaculum 6,687 acelmprtu 9 18,483
18483 conscripting 6,687 cginoprst 9 18,482
18484 tychopotamic 6,687 achimopty 9 18,484
18485 newfangledly 6,687 adefglnwy 9 18,481
18486 floorwalkers 6,686 aefklorsw 9 18,488
18487 coproduction 6,686 cdinoprtu 9 18,486
18488 epicuticular 6,686 aceilprtu 9 18,487
18489 divinityship 6,685 dhinpstvy 9 18,489
18490 retrojugular 6,685 aegjlortu 9 18,491
18491 stanzaically 6,685 acilnstyz 9 18,490
18492 halochromism 6,684 achilmors 9 18,492
18493 mournfulness 6,683 eflmnorsu 9 18,493
18494 overluscious 6,683 ceilorsuv 9 18,494
18495 fossilizable 6,682 abefilosz 9 18,495
18496 subsibilance 6,682 abceilnsu 9 18,496
18497 unequalising 6,682 aegilnqsu 9 18,497
18498 obligatorily 6,681 abgilorty 9 18,499
18499 platyglossia 6,681 agilopsty 9 18,501
18500 deacidifying 6,681 acdefginy 9 18,500