12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18521 conchologize 6,674 ceghilnoz 9 18,521
18522 nontoxically 6,674 acilnotxy 9 18,522
18523 myrmecophyte 6,673 cehmoprty 9 18,523
18524 milleflorous 6,672 efilmorsu 9 18,524
18525 carcinolytic 6,671 acilnorty 9 18,528
18526 polyhidrosis 6,671 dhiloprsy 9 18,527
18527 karyoschisis 6,671 achikorsy 9 18,525
18528 disquisitory 6,671 dioqrstuy 9 18,526
18529 presumptious 6,670 eimoprstu 9 18,529
18530 unfrugalness 6,669 aefglnrsu 9 18,531
18531 impedibility 6,669 bdeilmpty 9 18,530
18532 superblunder 6,668 bdelnprsu 9 18,532
18533 paraffinized 6,666 adefinprz 9 18,533
18534 quadrupedant 6,666 adenpqrtu 9 18,534
18535 hypocoristic 6,665 chioprsty 9 18,536
18536 conveyancing 6,665 aceginovy 9 18,537
18537 psomophagist 6,665 aghimopst 9 18,535
18538 digressingly 6,664 degilnrsy 9 18,538
18539 trivializing 6,662 agilnrtvz 9 18,542
18540 fiddlesticks 6,662 cdefiklst 9 18,539