12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18961 sanguicolous 6,478 acgilnosu 9 18,961
18962 pyretography 6,477 aeghoprty 9 18,962
18963 rejuvenizing 6,477 egijnruvz 9 18,964
18964 inexplicitly 6,477 ceilnptxy 9 18,965
18965 quinquegrade 6,477 adeginqru 9 18,963
18966 undiscording 6,476 cdginorsu 9 18,967
18967 pecksniffian 6,476 acefiknps 9 18,966
18968 disciflorous 6,475 cdfilorsu 9 18,968
18969 albuminoidal 6,475 abdilmnou 9 18,969
18970 ableptically 6,474 abceilpty 9 18,970
18971 regularizing 6,474 aegilnruz 9 18,971
18972 unscabbarded 6,472 abcdenrsu 9 18,972
18973 nonbookishly 6,472 bhiklnosy 9 18,973
18974 amyloclastic 6,471 acilmosty 9 18,975
18975 unswaggering 6,471 aeginrsuw 9 18,974
18976 toolbuilding 6,471 bdgilnotu 9 18,976
18977 blusterously 6,470 belorstuy 9 18,978
18978 opposability 6,470 abilopsty 9 18,977
18979 hypodicrotic 6,469 cdhioprty 9 18,980
18980 cyrillianism 6,469 acilmnrsy 9 18,979