12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18921 squattocracy 6,494 acoqrstuy 9 18,919
18922 inexpungible 6,493 begilnpux 9 18,922
18923 scrutinizing 6,492 cginrstuz 9 18,923
18924 commonplacer 6,491 acelmnopr 9 18,924
18925 microphonism 6,490 chimnoprs 9 18,926
18926 braggadocian 6,490 abcdginor 9 18,925
18927 poecilonymic 6,489 ceilmnopy 9 18,927
18928 unconspiring 6,489 cginoprsu 9 18,929
18929 squirrelling 6,489 egilnqrsu 9 18,928
18930 plasmodesmus 6,488 adelmopsu 9 18,932
18931 nonfactually 6,488 acflnotuy 9 18,931
18932 unpollutable 6,488 abelnoptu 9 18,930
18933 pseudofamous 6,487 adefmopsu 9 18,933
18934 deducibility 6,486 bcdeiltuy 9 18,935
18935 stranglingly 6,486 agilnrsty 9 18,934
18936 oligorhizous 6,484 ghilorsuz 9 18,939
18937 phytoecology 6,484 ceghlopty 9 18,936
18938 palatography 6,484 aghloprty 9 18,940
18939 homodynamous 6,484 adhmnosuy 9 18,938
18940 hollywoodize 6,484 dehilowyz 9 18,937