12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19041 gringophobia 6,436 abghinopr 9 19,041
19042 euryprosopic 6,435 ceioprsuy 9 19,042
19043 anaglyptical 6,435 acgilnpty 9 19,043
19044 knucklebones 6,434 bceklnosu 9 19,045
19045 philokleptic 6,434 cehiklopt 9 19,044
19046 myelorrhaphy 6,433 aehlmopry 9 19,046
19047 infusibility 6,433 bfilnstuy 9 19,047
19048 semisuburban 6,433 abeimnrsu 9 19,048
19049 bacchanalism 6,432 abchilmns 9 19,049
19050 preinvolving 6,429 egilnoprv 9 19,050
19051 zoophysicist 6,427 chiopstyz 9 19,052
19052 prepyramidal 6,427 adeilmpry 9 19,051
19053 wallpapering 6,426 aegilnprw 9 19,054
19054 villainproof 6,426 afilnoprv 9 19,053
19055 radicalizing 6,425 acdgilnrz 9 19,055
19056 bibliotaphic 6,424 abchilopt 9 19,057
19057 monopodially 6,424 adilmnopy 9 19,056
19058 microscopial 6,423 acilmoprs 9 19,058
19059 hymenophorum 6,422 ehmnopruy 9 19,060
19060 microscopize 6,422 ceimoprsz 9 19,059