12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19081 pornographic 6,408 acghinopr 9 19,084
19082 wallydraigle 6,408 adegilrwy 9 19,082
19083 hypocoracoid 6,408 acdhiopry 9 19,083
19084 cumbrousness 6,408 bcemnorsu 9 19,081
19085 glaucomatous 6,407 acglmostu 9 19,086
19086 epicycloidal 6,407 acdeilopy 9 19,085
19087 inadmissibly 6,407 abdilmnsy 9 19,087
19088 lapidicolous 6,407 acdilopsu 9 19,088
19089 prochurchian 6,406 achinopru 9 19,090
19090 neglectfully 6,406 cefglntuy 9 19,089
19091 syndesmology 6,405 deglmnosy 9 19,091
19092 overscrubbed 6,404 bcdeorsuv 9 19,093
19093 pragmaticism 6,404 acgimprst 9 19,092
19094 cyclohexanol 6,403 acehlnoxy 9 19,095
19095 syphilophobe 6,403 behilopsy 9 19,094
19096 vernacularly 6,402 acelnruvy 9 19,098
19097 vallombrosan 6,402 ablmnorsv 9 19,097
19098 bitubercular 6,402 abceilrtu 9 19,096
19099 draconically 6,401 acdilnory 9 19,100
19100 allomorphism 6,401 ahilmoprs 9 19,099