12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19441 pasquinading 6,220 adginpqsu 9 19,441
19442 unsupposable 6,220 abelnopsu 9 19,442
19443 precorruptly 6,218 celoprtuy 9 19,445
19444 unthinkingly 6,218 ghiklntuy 9 19,443
19445 calculifrage 6,218 acefgilru 9 19,444
19446 particularly 6,217 acilprtuy 9 19,446
19447 ophioglossum 6,215 ghilmopsu 9 19,447
19448 ungroundedly 6,214 deglnoruy 9 19,449
19449 uneffusively 6,214 efilnsuvy 9 19,448
19450 abbotnullius 6,214 abilnostu 9 19,450
19451 overmournful 6,213 eflmnoruv 9 19,451
19452 chrysoprasus 6,212 achoprsuy 9 19,452
19453 unbiological 6,212 abcgilnou 9 19,453
19454 psychobiotic 6,212 bchiopsty 9 19,456
19455 unblossoming 6,212 bgilmnosu 9 19,454
19456 pipunculidae 6,212 acdeilnpu 9 19,455
19457 cognominally 6,211 acgilmnoy 9 19,457
19458 nonobviously 6,210 bilnosuvy 9 19,458
19459 fimbristylis 6,210 bfilmrsty 9 19,459
19460 lechuguillas 6,209 aceghilsu 9 19,460