12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19381 preforgiving 6,260 efginoprv 9 19,380
19382 skiagraphing 6,260 aghiknprs 9 19,382
19383 synaptically 6,259 acilnpsty 9 19,383
19384 bilinguality 6,257 abgilntuy 9 19,384
19385 diaphragming 6,256 adghimnpr 9 19,386
19386 spongioplasm 6,256 agilmnops 9 19,385
19387 monoplacular 6,255 aclmnopru 9 19,389
19388 pictographic 6,255 acghioprt 9 19,387
19389 polyommatous 6,255 almopstuy 9 19,388
19390 unflagrantly 6,254 afglnrtuy 9 19,390
19391 palladiumize 6,254 adeilmpuz 9 19,391
19392 pharyngalgia 6,253 aghilnpry 9 19,392
19393 programmable 6,252 abeglmopr 9 19,393
19394 quinquepedal 6,252 adeilnpqu 9 19,394
19395 glycerolysis 6,251 cegilorsy 9 19,397
19396 nonfavorably 6,251 abflnorvy 9 19,396
19397 gonapophysal 6,251 aghlnopsy 9 19,398
19398 pseudomucoid 6,251 cdeimopsu 9 19,395
19399 phytophilous 6,250 hilopstuy 9 19,399
19400 unassignably 6,250 abgilnsuy 9 19,400