9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
35121 shelflist 5,717 efhilst 7 35,118
35122 glossator 5,717 aglorst 7 35,114
35123 pollsters 5,716 eloprst 7 35,131
35124 capitella 5,716 aceilpt 7 35,128
35125 grovelers 5,716 eglorsv 7 35,126
35126 effuviate 5,716 aefituv 7 35,124
35127 thatching 5,716 acghint 7 35,129
35128 antiquist 5,716 ainqstu 7 35,123
35129 excessman 5,716 acemnsx 7 35,125
35130 brownnose 5,716 benorsw 7 35,127
35131 verbarian 5,716 abeinrv 7 35,130
35132 starboard 5,715 abdorst 7 35,139
35133 balthasar 5,715 abhlrst 7 35,135
35134 tailspins 5,715 ailnpst 7 35,142
35135 paussidae 5,715 adeipsu 7 35,136
35136 bootprint 5,715 binoprt 7 35,141
35137 alpinists 5,715 ailnpst 7 35,133
35138 diapauses 5,715 adeipsu 7 35,137
35139 philistia 5,715 ahilpst 7 35,132
35140 apneumona 5,715 aemnopu 7 35,134